Sadly yep. I've actually sat through the 'we buy any car' buying process as part of some consultancy (my line of work is in CMS / e-commerce systems).
We Buy any Car is all software driven and so you have someone that knows f**k all about cars doing the 'buying'.
eg. Screen 1
Go outside...
1. Is there a car present in the car park YES / NO
2. Is it the correct colour to log book YES / NO
2. Start car and look for warning lights. Any present YES / NO
3. Does the car have four original wheels YES / NO
4. Service history YES / NO
5. Does the number plate match the log book. YES / NO
And so on...
Any deviation from this and they have to call an area manager. Same when it comes to the financial offer (which by the way always goes down) from the original price. So examples are... it has stone chips so take x % off. Oh a scratch... another x% off... and so on.
Then even when it comes to giving you the money, if you want the cash the same day they take a hefty % commission. It if you wait 10 days then it x % and at 30 days you get the agreed amount. (might be less time than this but you get the idea!)
So by putting the car through this process the lemon has been sold and undoubtedly the money was taken there and then.
Technically 'We Buy Any Car' could claim the money back if car deemed dangerous but I suspect they unaware / play the numbers game via the auction process where less legal come back.
Still hard to believe 1. Amit was a long-term member on here and 2. had the cheek to try and sell it to other members while not being truthful about the condition.
Saddest of all... the new owner will turn up on here thinking they just got a bargain CSL.
It going down hill round here