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Old 18-06-2016, 09:14 PM   #15
Driving it like I nicked it
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Originally Posted by Neil M View Post
The wonders of technology Ben, it's just been one thing after another, Pay-Pal hacked account suspended, after the Hard Drive crashed. Hard drive replaced and lost all the software and all my Text Files, Graphics I save to an external drive so thankfully so they're OK . In conseuence the 1TB Drive A, needed to be replaced, Drive B remained unaffected, AVG downloaded "Would you like to restart" replied "Yes" what must I have been thinking? It wouldn't re-boot, diagnosis non compatablity, so in again for repair. Again lost the software and temp stuff reloaded. Windows update downloads didn't like it, as it couldn't be recognised via the ISP. So I had to purchase a new operating system 'Windows 10 and Works. which I still getting to know. Hurray! up and running - No, The moitor decided to go pop! so its had to be replace; Dell isn't all it's cracked up to be. Studio XPS top end system with 24" monitor and soundbar with all the bells and whistles and more Giggs than Ryan and and after 5 years use, massive and costly failures, they never said that it came with buit in obsolesence. Not a happy bunny! Where do you buy a new computer system these days? Via tinternet and how do you do that without access? You don't! You don't miss it until you don't have it. Then just to add salt to the wound, the printer decided it needed a rest and similary went pop! As I said at the begining of this epistle the Wonders of technology yes, but only when it works! I'm back, but Pay-Pal and ebay still need sorting as do all the other incidentals that you never consider bank access and the like, what a nightmare!

good to see your keeping well despite the I.T. issues.
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