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Old 11-05-2016, 10:23 AM   #20
Driving it like I nicked it
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He told me he was going to return a Cosworth part, never did despite repeated chasing, then said he was going to pay for it and never did despite repeated chasing. Bloke is a liar and a thief simple as that. Was trading as ATF Power at the time but closed it down (presumably with a load of debt) and set up new company.

The ECU that he "developed" is just a Syvecs in his own box, the DCT stuff was written by Syvecs and jointly paid for by him and these guys:

so you can get exactly the same Syvecs ECU with DCT control from whifbitz and avoid having to deal with him.

Others are developing DCT solutions too, give it 6 months and there will be more choice.
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