Help i ballesd up my 7 series
hello all
for you that dont know me im a complete penis,
i had a slight oil leak on my 2010 730d so took it to my local grease monkey and he said it looked like it was coming from the filter housing that bolted onto the block, a bit of research later and i was ready to do the swap,
long story short after may F*ck filled hours i got it all beck together and topped back up with oil and coolant,
Fired her up and all seemed well for a few seconds gave a few light revs and hay-presto oil pissing out of the bottom !!
Looking at it the gasket has obviously not gone on flat and I have sodded it up.
i cant be bothered to attempt it again as im still sulking from the first go,
My question is how do i get it into neutral without starting the engine ????
its currently stuck in my unit so need to get it out to send of to bmw or the local garage,
2010 730d N57 block
1979 E24 635csi , 730d work horse , Porsche GT4