Thread: SG CSL for Sale
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Old 23-10-2015, 09:12 AM   #9
Wonky 'L' after Washing

Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 9
Casino cash: $322
Harros is on a distinguished road

Thanks chaps! I feel like I've had her from new and I remember spending a good year scouring/researching the csl forums back in 2006 whilst saving enough cash to buy one (I wonder how many of those guys are still members).

Bought a one way flight ticket to Aberdeen so I was must have been dead set on buying and driving back to London (although had reassurance I was buying from a forum member and it still had AUC warranty). She's never a missed a beat over the years as my daily commute and here we are almost 8 years later.

However, I'm not one to keep a garage queen so I hope someone from the forum picks up what I think is great example ..
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