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Old 23-09-2015, 09:25 PM   #16
Driving it like I nicked it
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Originally Posted by terryb View Post
From the DN website - these are the times

Tuesday 29th September 2015
Venue - ROTEK RACING, 1-3 Gottlieb Daimler Strasse, Meuspath, Germany

Registration, all drivers and all passengers
17.00 - 18.30 - Registration.
18.30 - 19.00 - Compulsory Drivers briefing

My 12.20 train should arrive at 1355 in Calais, so I'm hoping to arrive for the start of the briefing at 1830 - 4.5 hours to the Ring should be doable from Calais

There is a briefing at 0830 on Wednesday morning if you don't make Tuesday's - this will be on site in the Ring Taxi office - it would mean that you miss the sighting laps which are from 0800 to 0900 - which doesn't bother me to be honest. 2 full days so plenty of time to acclimatise and get on it - fingers crossed for good weather

probably going early doors but will let you know if I decide to travel in the pm.
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