Originally Posted by Clubber
Car looks magnificent Matt. Don't know if it is the slow or fast color  but SG is definitely the way to go for CSL !
THANX mate

and I agree (I have to)

with regards to SG being " The Colour" for the CSL

although I do sometimes wish BMW considered a unique "CSL only" colour finish, something like Frozen Grey or Satin White.
By no means am I trying to upset our SB amigos

but as far as the commercial visualisation values go the SG shows off it's CSLness (aka all the CF parts) far more clearly than the SB plus the SG colour showcases the handsome E46 M3 shape really well
It's no surprise the Advertising guys chose the SG over the SB for all of the promo material like Ad Posters, Brochures, Press Cars, TV Ads, etc...