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Old 01-07-2015, 10:29 PM   #36
Driving it like I nicked it
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Originally Posted by Cosworth50 View Post
Sorry to hear it kman.

Sounds like we are all feeling a little deflated about this. The seller, me and you. The joke is we have all lost out. What made you pull out as you sounded keen on the phone?

I would have LOVED to be in that car now on such a glorious day as today and the seller could have had money in his bank and Redish could have earned the money from the inspection. Win, win, win all round.

On the flip side, some positive news, today I viewed and offered on a house, the seller accepted and I know he had a higher offer later on today and he has stuck with me as he said his 'word is his bond' so I suppose a little good karma has come back my way.

I'm still here looking for a CSL.


would you not reconsider this car as it's now available?
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