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Old 29-06-2015, 07:23 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Cosworth50 View Post
Thanks. he even said to me he was a 'man of his word' and I double double checked with him and told him about how it had happened before. I wouldn't have the nerve to do that.

This isn't however about morality it is about a legal issue and any legal rights I have.

Fortunately I have all text messages confirming everything and our agreement so I'm going to make some calls tomorrow morning - on principle as much as anything. Trust it to be an estate agent!
Well that's not much to go on if his every other word is BS or lies + he's an Estate agent so he'll tell you whatever you want to hear it's not as if they are not known for it

In all seriousness though and without wanting to sound defeatist, save yourself a lot of hustle and money on legal fees and walk away. It's simply not worth it even if you got it for a below market price. Don't let that be your only motivator as it'll end up costing you way more than a proper, straight CSL owned by an honest CSLR member ... plus you'll always have a bitter feeling attached to this car if you keep on fighting for your legal rights.

While I too believe in principles and you may very well have the legal righty to go through with the purchase because you've paid a deposit on the car + have paperwork to prove it... why on earth would you want to deal with this "man of his word" guy or trust in anything he's told you so far. Clearly he is being dishonest and Redish will no doubt find lots of crack in the rear sub frame + whatever else is wrong with this car, which he may already know about. There's also potential added danger (depending on how mental this chap is) he might cause some deliberate damage to the car or it's engine (while you fight your legal fight) that you wont know about until it's too late.

If I were you I'd focus my energy elsewhere as this is simply not worth it, all thing considered & IMHO

UK CSL No.020 ... after 7 years of ownership I've now SOLD it !!!
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