Thread: Moving On
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Old 27-06-2015, 09:33 AM   #4
S2 - Picking it up

Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Kent
Posts: 76
Casino cash: $4359
Diamondgeezer is on a distinguished road

As I've already said on the 'only one for sale' thread a massive thank you to Jon for being so accomadating during the sale of his car he went out of his way on more than one occasion

The works already started and it's at Bartletts having stage one of a fairly long list of things sorted and I hope to have it all ready in 6 weeks (best laid plans and all that )

And Jon if you ever want a job selling diamonds you come and see me
I've bought houses with less bargaining !!!
Only joking I wouldn't hesitate to buy from you again but I doubt it'll be any time soon as your driving that hairdressers car now

I know it's the done thing to post up pics but if anyone wants to see the car in 6 weeks time now you can skip to Andyk's albums to have a look (wishful thinking)

Thanks again Jon and good luck with the new car
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