Small update.
Took The GP off the market as got bored with being asked if I'd sell certain parts off it.
Last Saturday someone got in touch and said his top price was £14k, said that was my lowest so all would be good.
Plagued by texts from then on, he spoke to 1320 who look after the GP for almost one hour, spoke to 2 people who've driven it, it is one of the best known GPs and pics and spec are all over the place on the internet, he insures it and comes this evening to collect it...from Essex to Derby.
Has a look, has a drive, then starts pulling faces.
Says to his missus "It looks stunning and drives beautifully but I'm not sure". To me that translates to wanting money off...not a soddin' chance.
Took the keys back off him, parked it up and wished him a safe drive back to Essex, never been one to be f***ed about
What is it with these people??