OK, there are several posts half covering this, but it I thought it may be useful to get a sticky together covering how to identify genuine CSL rims. Could the gurus please correct me if I am wrong on any of this, then perhaps a mod make a sticky of it?
How to identify genuine BMW CSL Rims.
Firstly, they are made of aluminium, not MAGNESIUM.
- They have part nr 2282650, are 8.5" x 19 x ET44 in size.
- Not to be confused with CS rims which have Part Nr 2282895 and are 8.0" x 19 x ET47 in size.
- The text "BMW - 2 282 650 - 81/2Jx19 - EH2 IS44 - RC 337" is embossed around the outer face as shown below, with the BMW below the M badge
- On the reverse side, there are 8 triangular indentations with casting markings BBS and GERMANY in the first two. The marking in the rest will probably vary depending on the production batch, but some pictures below show what they could look like.
- The mating face to the hub looks like this.
- They have part number 2282999, are 9.5" x 19 x ET27 in size.
- CS (ZCP package) uses same rear wheel as CSL.
- The text "BMW - 2 282 999- 91/2Jx19 - EH2 IS27 - RC 341" is embossed on the outer face as shown below.
- As per the fronts, the inner features 8 triangular indentations with casting markings BBS and GERMANY, and probably batch specific info in the other six.
- The inside of genuine, brand spanking new non-refurbished rims is finished in a white/light grey primer colour, not hyper silver like the outer face of the rim. This can be seen in the previous pic.
Now this is where I am not sure. There are rear rims floating about with the part numbers 2282660 and 4508216 as shown in the pictures below.
Were these supplied by BMW at some stage then superseded by 2282999? I'd say they just good fakes. As can be seen, the 660s don't have the BMW embossing, but the 4508216s do. I often see these for sale as genuine rims. Most people are pretty honest about copies, but theses are consistently advertised as genuine. Are they?