I had was switching between DSC on and M-track for about a week, then found some traction control issues on fast shifting so now just get in and with two figures turn DSC off and Sport on.
Love the car moving around a bit, not that it does unless provoked.
They're super benign on the limit, like nothing else I've driven to be honest. No trackdays yet.
At work I'm very used to leaning on DSC systems and tuning them until they're unintrusive. My idea of a good system is one that doesn't come in until absolutely necessary, so that you still feel like you're driving the car yourself. I suppose with a system/tune that's now 11 years old it shouldn't be much of a surprise that there are some rough edges in very rare circumstances, it's a very good system otherwise. In a modern Jag for instance I'd have to be going crazy speeds and most likely doing something wrong to get DSC interventions, and they're nowhere near as harsh, more like a gentle push back in line than a proper telling off like they used to be.
Last edited by Chappers; 09-07-2014 at 10:12 PM.