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Old 23-06-2014, 06:26 PM   #1
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Default 10-14 October Trip to Papenburg/Assen/Spa

I've moved the main thread to here as the old title was a bit stupid about some gayboys birthday

So here is the trip, lets get it all booked before July. A few options on the way out and back but revolves around 3 days events and maybe a Ring trip beforehand for some guys

  • Ring ??
  • Friday 10th October Harwich to Hook ferry dpt 11pm arr 6.30am
  • Saturday 11th Drive 2.5 hours Hook-Groningen,NL
  • Saturday 11th Hotel night at Groningen, NL
  • Sunday 12th Drive 50mins to Papenburg drift day and back.
  • Monday 13th Drive 25mins Groningen -Assen
  • Monday 13th Assen trackday (pm only)
  • Monday 13th Drive 3hrs Assen - Spa
  • Monday 13th Hotel Spa
  • Tuesday 14th Trackday Spa (all day or pm)
  • Tuesday 14th Drive 3 hrs Spa-Calais Chunnel
  • Back Tuesday 14th Chunnel (around 21.45-22.15 crossing), bed by 11pm
Click Here October Birthday Bonnaza Trip


  • Friday 10th night - Ferry or Ring
  • Saturday night - Groningen, NL - La Mecure
  • Sunday 12th night - Groningen, NL - La Mecure
  • Monday 13th night - Radisson Palace, Spa
  1. Lucas - CSL
  2. Dazza - Merc TAxi - all booked
  3. Terry - GT3
  4. Terry mate
  5. Terry mate
  6. AlexK - CSL all booked
  7. AlexGTT - CSL
  8. Roberto - CSL
  9. BEalo - Pork
  10. Shim (out Friday night ferry) - CSL all booked
  11. Ian
  12. Jimbo Bloor (road trip only no track days)
  13. Pinkpanther008 - Assen/Spa booked
  14. Yanto (out Friday night/back Monday night chunnel) - CSL
  15. Billy - god knows
  16. Simon (Jimbo Bloors mate ) - RS4 avant (road trip only no track days)
  17. Shane - 1M (Aussie on here)
  18. CSLSuperfan Spa and Assen booked
  19. Mark - 991 GT3 all booked
  20. ONeill - Spa booked, rest just drinking!


  • Papenburg Drift Day - Sunday 12th October email to reserve Ref 'Birthday bonanza'.
  • Assen trackday - DF Trackdays (afternoon only) - Monday 13th October - Euro250 register interest for discount with
  • Spa trackday DF Trackays (all day or afternoon only) - Tuesday 14th - Euro420/300 register interest for discount with

    (if we get 10+ we get 10% discount with trackdays)

Last edited by shimmy; 10-07-2014 at 08:32 PM.
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