Originally Posted by octainejunkee
Nice brake kit..
As for pad compound- if for fast road use i have ds2500 on my AP equipped csl and they work well at fast road speeds.
If for track days etc then i would recommend carbotech xp10's or 12's- they create alot of dust but will bite better than any other pad ive experienced..
put some pics up of them fitted to the car when you get round to it...
I'm still looking for a bbk for my 1M but cant get my head round the price so ive opted for pf friction discs and xp10's..
cheers Jamie
the car is going to elms at the end of may for a floor replacement ,then when its got a full bill of health the brakes will be fitted along with some intrax coilovers ,then to simpsons for a full geo set up then the car should be just how I want it
