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Old 18-03-2014, 01:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Mike R View Post
Depends what you have bought your car for. The GT3 is far more challenging to drive on track (read as: not as fast as the CSL on circuit's like the Nordschleife), which makes it more rewarding to get the best out of it. However, being a strictly two-seater, it isn't as practical as a CSL, it isn't as aurally intoxicating (but then what is) and it will be more expensive to replace normal consumables.

So basically the balance of the CSL is hard to beat, but it does mean that any reasonably skilled driver can make it go fast, where the 996 GT3 will have you learning new driving skills to get the best out of it.

Now is also a good time to buy a GT3, as they are on the up (996 GT RS models especially so due to the limited production run).
+1 that's pretty much spot on Jon, glad I ticked / scratched the GT3 box, admittedly with the 997 but still something I'm glad I did and don't regret it, would still have it now if I had a choice.

Would say do it, but it's something you need to weigh up what and how your going to be using it.

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