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Old 23-01-2014, 11:13 AM   #48
S2 - Picking it up
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Originally Posted by lawsy View Post
You can't compare ap5000 with Alcon kit.

Sam is rich. Schirmer likes a rich mofo. So Sam has the dogs danglies and I don't blame him. If I could afford them I would have them.
Tell you what Lawsy, after meeting Tom I'm not that 'Rich' any more mate

Please don't misunderstand me here Rick.....The Alcon brakes are MINT (Hence they've gone on my CS) and with them on you can out brake most things on track (even in a heavy ole M3), and I was doing alot more than a couple of trackdays last year!

Yes, there is more travel with them, (but much less than standard) but like Lawsy says, that does not cause a problem, and you soon get used to it. Although, like you Rich, i prefer a higher pedal to stamp on .... but then, it was alot easier to Heel and Toe with the Alcons as the pedals were bang in line (not that you need to do that in a CSL)

I cant prove this, but I think in a Lab, with the same pads (and standard discs that come with kits) there probably ain't that much difference in them. Tom Schirmer has developed his own set up based on thousands of laps on hundreds of cars at the ring, and essentially only fits the best of the best stuff (the most expensive) and has lots of 'secret' tweaks that he does to bring the whole package together (don't forget, Brakes don't work in isolation of other systems i.e. Suspension and Geometry) and the cumulative effect of all this gives you confidence to brake later and harder.....but its not just the brakes that are doing it, if you get my drift.

I think the RS29's are £400 F+R and the endless pads are around €1400 F+R ...... so that gives you an idea of the differences in price to get that extra % in performance!
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