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Old 22-01-2014, 07:58 PM   #42
Rick H
S5, Sport Off, DSC M-track
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Originally Posted by SamT View Post
Just to throw my 2 pennyworth into this....I started out with the Alcon CSL Cup brakes on the white M3, but have now converted to AP Pro 5000 with PFC discs and Endless Race pads (the Alcon set up went on my blue CS Yesterday with RS29's)

The reason i switched is that I love the Endless pads, but unfortunately there isn't enough clearance to fit them in the Alcon Callipers as they come with 25mm of meat on, and from memory the Alcons only accept a 17mm you end up machining off 8mm of pad material to get them to fit.....being a Yorkshireman this hurt like you wouldn't believe .....Plus Schirmer said i could do one if i didnt convert

The new set up is simply stunning on track, a significant improvement over the alcons with RS29's.....but conversley I agree wholeheartedly with what Lawsy said about the Alcons being alot better for the road. The initial bite from the AP's is brutal....and i mean brutal (so much so that even though I've done a couple of days at the ring on them, i am still all over the place with braking points, yes shimmy, part of my excuse for Monday at Bedford )

So, my advice would be, that if you use your car on the road fit the Alcons (they are 200% better than standard) but if your building an out and out track/race car then go with the AP/PFC/Endless setup....but be prepared to peel your eyebrows off the windscreen

BMWZ4MC ..... I'm in Rye on the Kent/Sussex border, if you wanna pop over and see/ try out both set ups your more than welcome
Hi, thanks for this - some good stuff to read there. RS29s - I think the guys with lots of experience on here rate them highly so its all good as far as pads go - so pads aside, what is it with the Alcons that puts them so far beneath the APs for track use?

I have Alcon Cups on and my issue with them is the bite point is low down thus lots of pedal travel - is this what makes them more suitable for road use?

The reason I ask is that a possible solution to shorten pedal travel is residual pressure values (thanks for the heads up on those Mr G!) - so if pedal travel is reduced and both are using RS29s, would the difference on track be as marked?
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