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Old 18-01-2014, 12:01 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by The Gorilla View Post

Shimmy- in regard to the ''running hot'' which
if I am correct was at Spa ? where cars with
almost identical set ups, in respect of Cooling,
was that some Cars after several laps and with
ambient Air Temps being above 28c ?after
several laps with high engine loads, some
cars were OK on water temp, although they
were experincing higher oil temps, but your
car and a few others ? were seeing very high
water temps and having to lift, ie reduce load
to cool engine water temps down.

I think there was another thread where somebody
was running their Heater on full to try and
pull temps back down

For sure front number plate removed, AC Rad etc
removed could all assist and might make a few degrees
difference to overall coolant temps but not the
differincies you talk about.

From what you have said I would guess that there was
a good 10 maybe 15 degree difference in coolant temps
between almost identical cars [cooling set up etc].

Based on what you have said and if I have read it
correctly in regard of the overall conditions and symptons,
then this may well be Anti Freeze related.

Example- A pressurised coolant system with 30% anti freeze to 70%
water will start to boil at least 12 degrees lower than the
same coolant system with 50% anti freeze 50% water.
The same coolant system running 70% anti freeze with
30% water, the highest mix you can run, will run well over
15 degrees more, even higher in some conditions.

While nobody knows what percentage Anti freeze the various
Cars were running, it is a fact that its the water system that
cools the thermal store [engine] so the more the water temp
rises the less effective the coolant is being, which can only be
down cooling of the rads etc or the coolant itself.

As the cars mentioned were all almost identical with same water Rad,
oil rads, std hoses etc and the fact that number plate and A/C removal
might make a few degrees difference then it does suggest
that the reason may be some cars could well have been running a much higher
concentration of Anti freeze thus running at approx 10 maybe 15
degrees lower on the water Temp Gauge, but still showing similar
higher oil temps.

If it was down to cooling air flow then there would have to
some major differincies between the cars in question
which from all accounts there is not.

Bit off topic but still related, just.


The Gorilla.

I take your point on antifreeze although US car in California have same issues and I doubt they run any antifreeze (but worth a shot)

Basically ANY track with decent straights (100% throttle areas) after a few laps pushing on (and I push pretty hard) after getting up to temperature, after a distance at 100% throttle you see the oil temps again starting to rise first, not much but a rise, followed by water which starts to rise form just under 3/4 to the red (obviously you don't let it go to the red)

Once you hit a few corners or if you back off, the car cools back to normal quickly.

Tried changing rad(cleaned and flushed), oil cooler(new), MStat, new water pump, new viscous fan, new fuel regulator (as they can make car fun very slightly lean), new fuel filter, also obviously had new engine which rules that out.

I thought the symptoms where feeling related due to the 100% throttle issue, but now I'm thinking maybe is air flow and somehow at high speeds the air (entering already at 23-24oC air temps doesn't cool the engine at 100% throttle

BUT I am seeing the oil rise first, not water....does that make any difference to what could be the cause?
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