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Old 16-01-2014, 12:15 AM   #9
The Gorilla
S5, Sport Off, DSC M-track

Join Date: Apr 2008
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Quote- ''...What they do is remove the thermostatic valve in the oil filter housing allowing the oil to circulate round the cooler at a cooler temperature''

Not following your logic here at all.

Oil temp is oil temp, so when the oil reaches
95 degrees the oil stat opens, when the oil
is cooler than 95 degrees it closes.

If you remove your Oil stat then it takes longer
for the engine oil to warm up from cold, and most engine
damage occurs with cold oil not hot.

On track your oil is up to temp, or higher, so the
Oil Stat is always open so I am not
sure how the Oil stat closes for Track use if higher
oil temp is the problem.

Point being is that if your engine oil temp
is lower than 95 degrees and the Oil stat is
closed then you can not have a high oil temp


The Gorilla.
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