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Old 06-01-2014, 09:58 AM   #73
The Gorilla
S5, Sport Off, DSC M-track

Join Date: Apr 2008
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The Gorilla is an unknown quantity at this point


Alx- I do not have pics of what I am
suggesting only the direction I have
gone, which is far away from stock/std.

There are several ways the rear subframe
/ subframe mounts can be altered, without
taking out the boot floor section which
BMW seemed to favour.

Its the rear mounting points where all the
issues first stem from, as the front [rearsubframe] mounts
are weled into the 'monocouque beam section'
fabricated into the shell.
Its the same section where the seat belts are
fixed to on the strap bottoms etc, and where
BMW welded in massive 'damping plate' for the
diff etc.

I will see if I can take a picture or two,
as the direction I have gone does now allow
better visual of the existing rear subframe mounts
which I am no longer using.


The Gorilla
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