I'm interested in what people have on their own cars and what they think of them, and that requires zero budget considerations

. I have a custom built set of Ohlins on the Cossie, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the normal kit they do for the E46 is going to be any good. I'm after real world experience of YOUR actual suspension on a CSL

, not what you might "think" would be good

You only have to read through some of the past threads to see that even many of the major suspension manufacturers get the spring rates completely wrong (which is why I was hoping people would put what they have and comment on what they think of THEIR set up). This is because I don't want to turn what is a reasonable compromise into an out and out track car (I already have one of those

This would also help anyone else looking in the future, as they could see that for instance, the KW V3 set up with x and y spring rates was universally praised by all who had them on their car. So rather than giving me a hard time

, why not get involved and post your set-up details
