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Old 28-12-2013, 10:02 PM   #1
Mike R
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Default The definitive suspension thread

I've spent several hours looking through all the old suspension related threads and thought it might be handy for all the information to be located in one place. As we all know, the key to a fast Cesil is being able to carry more corner speed than almost anything else (that hasn't got mega aero appendages). But all OE suspension tends to be built to a budget, hence why better specced aftermarket dampers can see good improvements.

At present, I have H&R coilovers that are not much younger than the car and so next year will be looking to replace them, but don't know with what (obviously they have done so well, it could even be with the latest version of them). I know from my research that I will be avoiding Intrax, as I have seen from friends and lots of people on here that as good as they are, the rebuild frequency has put me right off.

So I'd be interested in views of the suspension set ups you have - it would be great if you could list the manufacturer, the model version, spring rates (and whether they are proper coilovers on the rear as well), cost, suspension geometry, is the damping fixed or adjustable, what you use the car for and your views on the Pros and Cons of your set up (e.g. Great on the track, but a bit harsh for the road (or vice-versa)). It would be great to see as much detail as possible .

Muchos grassy arse .
Mike R
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