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Old 16-04-2013, 04:49 PM   #1
S5 - Full Throttle

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Default Subframe / Floor Pan repair in Germany?

Hi Guys,

Was wondering if anyone has had their sub frame / rear floor pan issue repaired in Germany?

I was set to move back there (taking Cesil with me) in the next month or so. She has however developed the usual floor issue. Wondering if I should wait here in the UK longer for the sake of getting Elms (who of course I know I can trust) to do the job (their body shop are booked out up till August), or try to get it done in Germany.

Obviously there will be more than capable bodyshops in DE, I just need to find one I can trust, which has don this repair before, but also I'm not sure if the stance on the 10 year goodwill will be the same over there. (You'd think it would be, but there are a hell of a lot of M3s getting to 10 years old in Germany at the moment, so could understand that they may not want to touch a UK car, even though they made it!).

I will try the German CSL forum just as soon as I can figure out how to register, but though i’d ask around here first, as I think we have few German members. Specifically the car would be garaged in Munich, so somewhere in the south would be most ideal.

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