06-03-2013, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Gibbo
Hi there
I am contemplating maybe, I repeat maybe returning to CSL ownership.
Really has to be silver grey, seems there is a lot of black ones for sale, some quite nice ones too, but I love SG.
So question is, this engine is one designed for track use and most CSL's have had plenty of track work.
So question is a 50-60k CSL a safe bet, do the engines suffer with mileage, loose power, explode etc, need rebuilds?
I'd plan on doing 5-6 track days per year, would run MPSS or Cups, get geo setup, AP brakes all round and probably go with supersprint exhaust setup.
So is a 50-60k mileage CSL OK and will it keep running fine and be happy to do 10-20 track days in my ownership?
I've seen them for sale with 120k on the clock, so speaks well for the engine, but of course such cars could have thrown huge bills.
Am I right to assume that a sub 60k mile example will cost less to put BMW extended warranty on and if so how much is it per year for sub 60k miles and over 60k miles?
A well looked after 60k mile car will serve you better than a 30k miler with a shit service history.Imho of course.