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Old 11-12-2012, 11:39 PM   #551
CSL Register Uber-poster!
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Uk
Posts: 14,646
Casino cash: $43909
shimmy is an unknown quantity at this point

Just an update for the record;

The HOMECOMING trip to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the CSL in the 40th year of M Division will take place on 26th to 28th May 2013.

The plan is to meet in Munich in the evening of Saturday 25th and spend two days visiting BMW Classic museum, BMW Weld and Museum, M Division Design Studio and a BMW production facility all kindly arranged with BMW M Division.

Then we head up to to the Salzburgring, not far away in Austria with BMW driver training and 3 of their cars for a track day on Tuesday 28th.

(confirmed details of all this with hotel links and booking for all events will be up here in the new year).

We have 79 CSLs potentially coming so far and we are about to contact every CSL owner in the UK and hopefully Europe to let them know as well.

Here is a list of the owners who have showed an interest;

1. Shimmy
2. MattCSLnut
3. Ando (unlikely)
4. SMac
5. Trawler
6. Bounce
7. Craigmillwardcroft
8. Billyboym3
9. MonkeyCSL
11. Yanto
12. ONeill
13. rstoughy
14. John
15. Karbonkid
16. Chris-CSL
17. funkster
18. E46CSL
19. Robmug
20. SNP749
21. Outnumbered
22. Nords
23. 3wheels3
24. Plumber vic
25. dirty_perv John
26. Porter
27. Toplad
28. GTR
29. JezP
30. DuncanR
31. Pip1968
32. CSLut
33. Nuttynat
34. Johnnywb
35. Glendog74
36. Baldydaz
37. 83SY
38. Dave Wilkinson
39. Jon8710
40. adem.csl
41. 0836whimper (unlikely)
42. Pinkpanther008
43. Neil M
44. lee
45. sydown
46. .........
47. AlexC
48. chicken
1. CSLSuperfan
2. AlexGTT
1. Mark Csl / SB CSL
2. need4speed / SB CSL
3. Derek / SB CSL
4. Figas / SG CSL
5. Bryce
1. MKoop
2. Barry C (unlikely)
3. LeinsCSL
4. Niall1
5. Chrisburns
6. Sailorbaz
1. Roland
2. Hoshy
3. Levente
4. MQP
5. ChrisCSL (not to be confused with Chris-CSL)
Chech Republic
1. Kislik
1. Shoggy
2. David
1. Jurn
2. m3power
3. Stefplus
1. Alexk
2. Alx
3. GTAStradale
4. Christophe.m
1. Gazzzar
1. Magnus thomé
1.Mick Csl
Australia and NZ
South Africa

Last edited by shimmy; 13-12-2012 at 02:32 PM.
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