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Old 18-06-2012, 09:36 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by O'Neill View Post
That takes some balls, CSL, thats a gps 150+ mph

et26, thats a strange offset for the td pro race 1.2, I thought they only come in et15, et20 and et30.

Your previous set up in the Oulton pics was et20 front and rear with a 10mm spacer on the rear, slight rub, was that on the front or rear.

I only ask as Ive ordered a set off 18x9 et31 and want to space the wheels spot on. Thinking 3mm front for et28 and 20mm rear for et11.
TD can et whatever you want, I customised mine based on previous trials.

My et 20 had 10 mm rear spacer, so et 31 with 20mm spacer will have yours 1mm further in than that photo at Oulton and your fronts 8mm further in.

Im happy with my et 26 front and et 16 (with spacer) rear that Im now running.

I think the et11 might just be borderline. As Im sure my rears caught very slightly. But as I always advise, try yourself. You are running firmer suspension than my KW clubsport, so should have slightly less lean. Try for yourself, and you can change spacer size to suit. You are also running cups, all tyres have slightly different sidewall thickness.
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