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Old 27-05-2012, 10:40 AM   #37
The Gorilla
S5, Sport Off, DSC M-track

Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 740
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There is a Water Temp stat in the ''alloy'' water
pipe under the Throttle Bodies.

No 18 on the attached link-

Replace this Temp Stat as its cheap.

If you still have high water temp then-

Do you have an Old Thermostat ?

If you do, open the Stat and 'fix' it
so that's it permantley in the Open

You require this, as to just remove the stat
can cause water cavitation.

Run your car and see what the temps
do with Stat permantley open.

If car runs Ok, then purchase the Tropical / MS
55 deg stat, if not, then you need to test

Hope that helps,


The Gorilla.
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