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Old 21-05-2012, 01:40 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by magnust View Post
Not everyone drives their sportscar on track at all, let alone drive it close to it's full potential on track. One part of me is sad about this but then again to each their own, full respect to each and everyone. We are all different.

So I must say, each time I do come across a fast really expensive supercar that is driven close to it's full potential on a normal track day by a car enthusiast.... it makes me *very* satisfied and happy to see!

The flip side is there are on many track days often plenty of should-be-faster cars which you can catch up. I don't miss the opportunity to feel good and boost my driving ego when that happens. But deep down I know it's not too much to brag about in my own head, but in life always make the most of it and be proud and happy nevertheless

Apart from the occasional GT3/rs etc the only supercar I have seen driven properly was a 430 scud @ at Oulton park. And it was fantastic to see a car being driven like it was intended
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