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Old 22-04-2012, 02:24 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The Gorilla View Post

Seems Alcon do not want your Custom.

If it was me, I would see if the existing
Alloy Brake Disc Belles can be redrilled
for a different Disc PCD [Mounting holes]
and then source something like PF, which
are more readily available at the
same disc thickness /diam.

If you were really cute you would see
if you could also find a lower 'Vane'
disc at the required size and loose some
weight in the process.


The Gorilla.
Could he not just buy 365mm PF discs with new bells.
Thats what I would do.

To the OP, please call Ross sport, ask for Ross, tell him Shane/Lawsy put you onto him. He has a vast stock of Alcon stuff and is an alcon dealer. He specialises in Evo';s but he will be able to source you the bits you need.

01945 580066

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