I'm not averse to the idea but I'm picky and people can sometimes get a bit shirty when you point out that while their Black M3 Convertible looks lovely from the 9 exterior photos the single shot of the lime green leather interior (towards the dashboard with the minimum amount of seat in the shot) kind of rules it out
Cue "It's really rare/special order/lovely in the flesh/different to the usual boring black/you need to see it" etc.
It's all good fun - it would probably help if I even knew what I wanted but I'm probably just going to grab a cheap MX5 for the wife to run around in so I can pinch the family wagon until I can get back in something special
I actually found myself having rude thoughts about this as I've always fancied one but it kinda defeats the object as I'd need more money to buy it!
I must dig out my 'man maths' calculator to work out how it saves me money