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phoenixcsl 07-06-2016 11:51 AM

My new toy....i8
I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but after a long test drive the other week it gave me an itch which I really had to scratch, I love the fact its radically different from most things on the road.

So I ended up treating myself last week to a belated birthday present, wanted something completely different to the norm, some part of me was pulled to possibly the beginning of the future of the car, I've never considered a hybrid or any car with electricity before, it's very different to anything I’ve ever driven before, the way it covers ground is pretty rapid, nowhere near as hardcore as the CSL but still extremely satisfying to drive, I will say my personal initial impressions is that if this is the future, then the future for the petrolhead is still bright.

I made my decision and I sold my E60 M5 a couple of weeks ago, I just didn't 'love' it, a great car, but too many idiosyncrasies for my liking, I’m very glad I owned one, the noise and engine were sublime, but now strangely I don't miss it.

Obviously still got Cecil, 5.5 years in, and I still can't see myself ever wanting to sell it, the way I look at things, I've got one of the best of the old world and possibly the beginning of the new world.

Anyway, my new toy is here: 2015 i8, 1250 miles, Iconic Silver with Blue Accents, it has pretty much every single option ticked, needs a proper detail:


Marv968 07-06-2016 06:57 PM

I think they're great - fantastic purchase!

AlexGTT 07-06-2016 07:36 PM

Bloomin' marvelous things i8's. Serious congrats. :beer:

CraigMillwardCroft 07-06-2016 08:32 PM

Nice enjoy :thumbs:

Yanto 07-06-2016 11:10 PM

Well it's no m2 :) but it looks great. Congrats, like these a lot !

Roland 08-06-2016 06:02 AM

Congratulation :thumbs:

Bounce 08-06-2016 06:16 AM

Nice mate :thumbs:

Trawler 08-06-2016 06:30 AM

Nice. How can someone buy it and put on so few miles.

glendog74 08-06-2016 11:23 AM

Very nice :thumbs:

phoenixcsl 08-06-2016 03:21 PM

Cheers guys, i'm loving it, it's such a radically different car to anything i've ever owned :thumbs:


Originally Posted by Trawler (Post 195668)
Nice. How can someone buy it and put on so few miles.

I have no idea, he had it 12 months, 1250 miles he covered in that time, I wonder if people buy these things to speculate on it, either way he must have failed!

It'll have a lot more miles on it by the time I've finished with it :smokin:

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