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rstoughy 14-10-2015 06:45 AM

DN13 Ring lap
So while over at DN13 there was a group from Mission Motorsport there.
I spent a good bit of time bleathering with these guys over the 2 days so here is a lap I gave to one of them (Ash) who runs an e46 M3 SMG.

Those on my FB will have seen it already.


cslsuperfan 14-10-2015 04:47 PM

DN13 Lap
Great Lap Paul

Definitely booking you for some tuition next year!!!!!

Bounce 14-10-2015 04:53 PM

Nice one mate :thumbs:

rstoughy 15-10-2015 06:47 AM

Cheers guys.
It was a safe lap, taking into account what my passenger has been through the last thing he needed was to be sitting next to a wannabe hero.

All fairly calm and calculated with no risks taken.

A very enjoyable couple of days :smokin:

billyboysm3 15-10-2015 01:37 PM

Nice driving Paul, Love the sound of the 4.1 in the background.

CraigMillwardCroft 15-10-2015 02:24 PM

Great vid :thumbs:

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