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Clubber 06-02-2014 09:46 PM

SG Painted Seat Backs ?
Hey everyone,

I know this is nowhere near as technical as other opinion seeking threads but,

My front seat backs have small scratches and even bare material in various places from years of use. They are not terrible and I used matt black touch up to cover most of them and I was happy with that.

But, a picture of a body color painted back of a BMW performance seat on a E92 M3 got me thinking. I always loved that detail on Porsches and other exotics. So I was thinking of painting my seat backs Silver Gray. With all the dark accents of the interior, I don't think it will pop out too much to disturb me but could also be a nice custom touch.

I wanted to hear your opinions on this matter. Nice or not ?

LeinsCSL 06-02-2014 09:57 PM

I think it looks fantastic in a Speed Yellow or Maritime Blue 968 CS, as those interiors are pretty dull other than those seat backs

I'm just not sure it would work as well in the CSL, as it might take away from the look of all the carbon in the interior?

Alx 06-02-2014 10:10 PM


I have considered this as mine had some scratches too.

I would rather paint it in the "titanium" color like in the steering wheel or other interior trim.

I ended having mine painted in satin black and it's quite close to the original look.




Clubber 06-02-2014 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by LeinsCSL (Post 163499)
I think it looks fantastic in a Speed Yellow or Maritime Blue 968 CS, as those interiors are pretty dull other than those seat backs

I'm just not sure it would work as well in the CSL, as it might take away from the look of all the carbon in the interior?

You have a point. Glossy paint could clash with the CF. Never thought of that.

Originally Posted by Alx (Post 163500)

I have considered this as mine had some scratches too.

I would rather paint it in the "titanium" color like in the steering wheel or other interior trim.

I ended having mine painted in satin black and it's quite close to the original look.



Titanium is a great idea actually but wouldn't that look too close to seat color hence disappear ? On other thought, oem seat backs are matching the rear seat plastics, armrest and sides etc... :smt102

cslsuperfan 06-02-2014 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Clubber (Post 163504)
You have a point. Glossy paint could clash with the CF. Never thought of that.

Titanium is a great idea actually but wouldn't that look too close to seat color hence disappear ? On other thought, oem seat backs are matching the rear seat plastics, armrest and sides etc... :smt102

Store your oem seats and treat yourself to some recaro spa lightweights

5 kg and Kevlar/cf weave.....very gt3 rs ish!;)

Das Chin 07-02-2014 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Alx (Post 163500)

I ended having mine painted in satin black and it's quite close to the original look.




nice work Alex. what paint did you use for that btw? did you get it done professionally? thanks, Nick

Alx 07-02-2014 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Das Chin (Post 163512)
nice work Alex. what paint did you use for that btw? did you get it done professionally? thanks, Nick


Thank you.

I had it done professionally by my body shop.

He tried many paints as some were just to shiny, but this turned out quite good.

It does not have that "rubber" feel anymore though.



digi 07-02-2014 11:00 AM

looks pretty funky!!! :)

0836whimper 07-02-2014 05:38 PM

Mine were fine, but I plastidipped them anyway to protect them.


It leaves a slightly rubbery, matt finish and can peel it off if you don't like it. Someone did suggest the pastidip reacts with the paint, but I've not found that.

Clubber 07-02-2014 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by 0836whimper (Post 163542)
Mine were fine, but I plastidipped them anyway to protect them.


It leaves a slightly rubbery, matt finish and can peel it off if you don't like it. Someone did suggest the pastidip reacts with the paint, but I've not found that.

Plasti Dip is a good suggestion too actually. Also I've been thinking of sending recaro a mail to learn the coating and if I can replicate ?

0836whimper 07-02-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Clubber (Post 163543)
I've been thinking of sending recaro a mail to learn the coating and if I can replicate ?

Cleverer people than me have attempted to get hold of that Holy Grail and failed as far as I know...

j328itRS 22-03-2015 09:47 PM

Sorry to reactivate this thread, but in the mean time, did anybody found out what kind of coating is used on the CSL front and rear seats?

It looks like it is a very well guarded secret. But somewhere, somebody must know !!

Hope somebody can help.


cslsuperfan 22-03-2015 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by j328itRS (Post 180773)
Sorry to reactivate this thread, but in the mean time, did anybody found out what kind of coating is used on the CSL front and rear seats?

It looks like it is a very well guarded secret. But somewhere, somebody must know !!

Hope somebody can help.


BMW Elms Bedford have done a number of csl seat back resto's with good reviews. I believe MikeR had his interior/part interior restored and was HP with the results.

Approx costs from memory-

£145 + vat for front seat backs (per seat)

Drop him a PM

jupe777 23-03-2015 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by cslsuperfan (Post 180798)
BMW Elms Bedford have done a number of csl seat back resto's with good reviews. I believe MikeR had his interior/part interior restored and was HP with the results.

Approx costs from memory-

£145 + vat for front seat backs (per seat)

Drop him a PM

Elms Bedford painted the backs of my seats when I had the subframe replaced at the end of last year. I feel they have done an excellent job and I'm really happy with the result, looks pretty oem to me. Not sure on the exact cost as I had quite a long list of bits done.

CraigMillwardCroft 23-03-2015 08:11 PM

If we could just get the colour code, then maybe can get cans of the paint done to spray on ourselves :thumbs:

mistergav 23-03-2015 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by CraigMillwardCroft (Post 180828)
If we could just get the colour code, then maybe can get cans of the paint done to spray on ourselves :thumbs:

Elms is using Bradleys Liquid Plastic Soft Paint Liquid, Montana black I believe. I will confirm the colour but its definitely Bradleys they are using.

I have a few pictures of the samples, the rear seats and front seat backs on mine will be painted by another dealer within the next month. I will take some pictures when its done.


JBird 24-03-2015 11:06 AM

I know there are threads where others have tried to get the original paint. I believe the manufacturer is known, but not the color/texture full code.

Question to all interested - if you could get the original, would you really want to use it? I ask as to me it breaks down and marks easy. I have a 2011 1-series that has a similar texture matt black finish on the steering wheel, but seems much more resistant than the paint used on the CSL seats. I might try to see If I can find out what BMW use these days.

To those with the Bradleys finish, how has it faired over time?

Mark CSL 24-03-2015 02:22 PM

Do the backs in carbon yum yum :thumbs:

Rick H 24-03-2015 02:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm with Magnus Walker - let them show their patina :supz:

CraigMillwardCroft 25-03-2015 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mark CSL (Post 180864)
Do the backs in carbon yum yum :thumbs:

How much :thumbs:

Neil M 25-03-2015 03:35 PM

I'm not so sure that I would want the seat backs repainted in the same non serviceable coating, seems like a lot of expense with little to show for it apart from being back at the beginning in fear of scatching/touching it.
Not BM's finest choice of finishes IMO as it renders the rear seats almost unusable. :whistle:

azrael 25-03-2015 05:16 PM

Only if your scared of scratching them

Chuck four wheels on the back seats with the whole boot for tools & luggage on a Euro trip and don't worry about it :)

CraigMillwardCroft 25-03-2015 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by azrael (Post 180920)
Only if your scared of scratching them

Chuck four wheels on the back seats with the whole boot for tools & luggage on a Euro trip and don't worry about it :)

:thumbs:That's how they got scratched in the first place

Mark CSL 25-03-2015 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by CraigMillwardCroft (Post 180914)
How much :thumbs:

Craig i would think around £500/£600 the pair lot of carbon :thumbs:

j328itRS 25-03-2015 09:40 PM

Thanks for the feed back. It seems that this original paint specification is a bit like the holy grail, even though it is not up to the job !!

Does this "Bradleys Liquid Plastic Soft Paint Liquid Montana black" match the original color?
Is it more durable?

I have heard the the BMW dealers have got access to the original paint, but I am not sure if I can thrust this info. Did anybody got it done at the dealer already? MAybe they use Bradleys as well !

j328itRS 25-03-2015 10:02 PM

I have seen that Bradleys can match colors, so I suppose that the color mix is done bespoke depending on the application.
I have sent them a mail to ask if they have a readily available matching color matched Liquid Plastic Paint for the CSL. Will keep you posted.


JBird 25-03-2015 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by j328itRS (Post 180934)
I have heard the the BMW dealers have got access to the original paint, but I am not sure if I can thrust this info. Did anybody got it done at the dealer already? MAybe they use Bradleys as well !

The original supplier is not Bradleys, and since Elms Bedford use Bradleys, i think it's suffice to say they do not know or can not get the original.
There is a thread in the members section with the original paint supplier name listed. I just wont repeat it here, as I guess people have put it in the members section for a reason.

If you are based in Germany, your local German dealer may have a better chance as the supplying company is German. Like I was saying in an earlier post though, would you really want to waste money on the original rubbish anyway?. Would be a laugh to call them though and ask if they have come up with anything better....

I have asked at dealers before, a paint comes up in their system, but was for something else.

mistergav 25-05-2015 05:09 PM

This is Bradleys.



CraigMillwardCroft 25-05-2015 07:07 PM

What is the colour code as want to try and get a tin of it. :thumbs:

HFLagos 25-05-2015 09:19 PM

I'd like to get my seat backs done, other than going to Elms Bedford per earlier post, anywhere else recommended in the South East?

mistergav 26-05-2015 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by CraigMillwardCroft (Post 184049)
What is the colour code as want to try and get a tin of it. :thumbs:

This was Bradleys Liquid Plastic Soft Montana Black N6SW, 2 liters did all the seats and ran about £58.08 from Dingbro. Its also sold in an aerosol but I wouldn't use that.

shimmy 13-06-2015 07:31 PM

what about Bradleys and a satin clear wrap?

s.mac 14-06-2015 07:50 PM

I've seen a car with plastshite dip :bigcry:

Shimmy are you taking the piss with a wrap ...

shimmy 14-06-2015 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by s.mac (Post 185104)
I've seen a car with plastshite dip :bigcry:

Shimmy are you taking the piss with a wrap ...

no, paint back of seats and clear wrap them

s.mac 14-06-2015 08:03 PM

I think you're better off with just paint IMO, I think a clear wrap would stand out a mile based on the ventureshield I've got on the car

billyboysm3 14-06-2015 08:14 PM

Use Bradleys or get Mark to carbon fibre them.

mattCSLnut 14-06-2015 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by shimmy (Post 185105)
no, paint back of seats and clear wrap them

Forget painting ;) how about a satin black vinyl wrap ?

s.mac 14-06-2015 08:27 PM

It's got to be paint and don't use the back seats

NZ_M3 14-06-2015 10:34 PM

Both PPG and du pont now do a soft touch finish product for vehicle interior. Apparently lot more durable.

///mikey 27-04-2017 01:37 PM

Bringing a thread back from the grave... Been itching to get my seat backs redone, but I'm in the states. Tried sourcing Bradley's unsuccessfully. Do any of you gents have the paint code or any other helpful information?

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