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-   -   March is going so slow, get my CSL april 1st! (http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6426)

ando 08-03-2011 02:56 PM

March is going so slow, get my CSL april 1st!
Why has the year gone so fast, so far, and now March is dragging like a decade!!

Get to go collect the CSL on the 1st of April and deliver another car to the ring and can't fooking wait! Feel like a kid at christmas!!

Got the insurance finally sorted through CCI, after leaving loads of messages and not getting a call back, they gave me a very good quote and trackday cover to boot, didn't know about that, til I called. A lot of the other insurance co's wouldn't touch the csl with the roll cage fitted, anyone know why? so when CCI said it didn't matter I was well chuffed!

Anyway when I finally go get it, its first outing will be at the ring! luckily been once or twice before so can't wait to get it!

Anyone run Toyo R888's on there CSL? Spoke to a guy at rockingham on sat and he said he drove a gt3rs round spa with them on and how good they were.



still no worries 08-03-2011 03:15 PM

the ring
i don't think cci cover's the ring, (i could be wrong)

ando 08-03-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by still no worries (Post 84747)
i don't think cci cover's the ring, (i could be wrong)

No I'm sure they don't, don't think anyone does now. Wonder if there ever will be?


glendog74 08-03-2011 03:32 PM

Nice one mate - taking the CSL to her spiritual home. :thumbs:

Member 'karbonkid' has used 888s i believe.

shimmy 08-03-2011 03:35 PM

I've seen a few use them but not many twice :smokin:

I think on the E46 they suffer from two problems, excessive road noise and the ability to overheat and go off too quickly with the weight of the car. Same problem with the porsches apparently so after say 6-8 minutes of hard driving they start to feel like mush..........

karbonkid 09-03-2011 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by glendog74 (Post 84750)
Nice one mate - taking the CSL to her spiritual home. :thumbs:

Member 'karbonkid' has used 888s i believe.


Originally Posted by shimmy (Post 84751)
I've seen a few use them but not many twice :smokin:

Yep ran them as my first track tyre on the CSL but didn't get on with them too well when pushing them. They were worth their money at the time but last I check they were same/ if not more £ than Cups! I know what I'd rather have and Shims right, only used them once.

Member 'Flatout' uses them on his Z4M, seemed to work for him as he hasn't reported any issues but then he hasn't experienced Cups to compare.

If you've found a decent s/hand set and intending to use them at the Ring only I think you can't go wrong and should work well there tbh but I wouldn't consider them if using at Spa/ other..

ando 09-03-2011 08:25 AM


The Csl has got 2 sets of wheels and one has cups on:thumbs:But they ain't new and don't think they'll last the year, so just wondered what others used, think it'll be staying on cups for the summer then.

Wheres the best deal for cups at the mo?



glendog74 09-03-2011 08:56 AM

www.mytyres.co.uk are pretty good at the moment.

funtime 09-03-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by glendog74 (Post 84817)
www.mytyres.co.uk are pretty good at the moment.

Cheapest places on the net for both sizes are:

235/35/19 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup (NOT Cup+) - £258 (delivered @ elite)

265/30/19 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup (NOT Cup+) - £319 (delivered @ oponeo.co.uk)

These were price's as of last week though, havent checked them since... :smokin:

alclark 09-03-2011 10:12 AM

I think R888's struggle with 'heavier' cars, they seem more suited to your smaller sub 1.2 tonne bodies, I find the surface temps of the tyres tended to go off, especially in silly hot weather.

Plus LOADS of road noise :smt012

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