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-   -   Goodwood brekkie club - 4th april 2010 (http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3851)

Dan 30-03-2010 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by scrubberamit (Post 48867)
chaps - can you confirm if you'll be meeting up at the petrol station on wandsworth road (at 6.30am)or at guildford cathedral (at 7 am) ?

will Pm the petrol station guys my number in case tehy get lost etc etc

1. SCRUBBERAMIT - SG CSL - petrolstation
3. Mole - SG CSL
5. DanP (hoping to make it, have pre-registered... any of you guys displaying yours?)
6. Karbonkid - SG CSL
7. Silver Bullet - SG CSL
8. Dan - SG CSL
9. JeffG - CSL no air filter (aka saxo 1.0)
10.TMAQ - SG CSL (if BMW hurry up. if not, mole taxi) :whistle:

Amit, I'm travelling up from the South Coast so will meet you there ;)

mole 30-03-2010 11:59 AM

Subject to Yanto confirmation, think we are meeting at the Texaco.

1. SCRUBBERAMIT - SG CSL - petrolstation
2. YANTO - SG CSL - petrolstation
3. Mole - SG CSL - petrolstation
5. DanP (hoping to make it, have pre-registered... any of you guys displaying yours?)
6. Karbonkid - SG CSL
7. Silver Bullet - SG CSL
8. Dan - SG CSL
9. JeffG - CSL no air filter (aka saxo 1.0)
10.TMAQ - SG CSL (if BMW hurry up. if not, mole taxi) :whistle:

Yanto 30-03-2010 01:21 PM

Yep - lets meet at Texaco (if I can work out how to use this bl00dy Tom Tom :hahaha:).....

Weather looks ropey - go steady on those Cups Rich !!

scrubberamit 30-03-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dan (Post 48870)
Amit, I'm travelling up from the South Coast so will meet you there ;)

cool - see you there for a bacon buttie mate!

Silver Bullet 30-03-2010 05:26 PM


Dan 30-03-2010 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by scrubberamit (Post 48886)
cool - see you there for a bacon buttie mate!

Will do mate :thumbs:

mole 30-03-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Yanto (Post 48881)
Yep - lets meet at Texaco (if I can work out how to use this bl00dy Tom Tom :hahaha:).....

Weather looks ropey - go steady on those Cups Rich !!

Might have to meet you there if it's raining, I'll be driving at 30mph :hahaha::hahaha:

I'm going to pick up a TomTom tomorrow myself I think!

karbonkid 30-03-2010 07:43 PM

I see I've been put down for bringing the CSL, I wasn't intending to take it as its still in deep sleep & needs: TAX, MOT, Insurance, Wishbone, Rear spring, (xenon done), good clean, & no PS2s. So if its pissing down its either Cups or R888s, think the boys put the R888s on, to MOT this week. Bit of a challenge to sort all in under a week. Alternatively Im grabbing a lift with a mate. So may see you lot there. :smt023

TMAQ 30-03-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by karbonkid (Post 48921)
I see I've been put down for bringing the CSL

my fault! maybe see you there. i might be getting a CSL taxi if BM dont get my CATS fitted by the weekend :bigcry:

kpkpkp 30-03-2010 09:25 PM

Can someone gimme the post code for where we are all meeting in Guildford please.



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