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Bounce 20-02-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dan (Post 43448)
Mine's the same as yours then matey so I've actually made a good decision there for a change! lol :beer:


trackm3 20-02-2010 05:16 PM

AST offer a good range for the CSL sportline 2 either with or without coilover rear and the race setup are both superb, i ran s2's on my E36 and worked superb right upto 1100lb springs, cant recommend them enough, been selling them also for 3 years now and i havn't had any problems reported ;)

NZ_M3 08-04-2010 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by s.mac (Post 43115)

Was just doing a bit more research on the ASTs and thought I'd refer back to your post .. then something caught my eye ...

The rear adjuster is suppose to sit on the top like KWs not on the aluminium arm ;)

s.mac 08-04-2010 06:58 PM

it was fitted by the UK AST guys ?? are you sure, is it an easy job to change ??

s.mac 08-04-2010 07:23 PM

if I remember rightly the OEM springs sat on a rubber seat ?

Also, I think the height adjuster is sat on top of the spring ???

NZ_M3 08-04-2010 11:00 PM

There might be a difference to barrel springs, but according to the Vorshlag guys it goes on the top:

I've searched also and the opinion is split actually on where it should ideally go - I personally think it is better on top as there's less movement withe the adjuster and less likely for it to punch through the aluminium arm if it sat on the bottom.

There is an advantage for having it on the bottom though and that is you can put a long bolt and washer and actually secure the adjuster to the arm.

I believe most other brands have the adjuster on top.

Not hard to change around - wheel off, 18mm damper bolt and drop the arm, support it on a jack and take out the spring and adjuster and flip it.


s.mac 09-04-2010 07:27 PM

Thanks for the info :thumbs:

Kev.H 10-04-2010 06:48 PM

how much is murketts service 2 please :thumbs:as mine will need doing this year

Dan 10-04-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kev.H (Post 50261)
how much is murketts service 2 please :thumbs:as mine will need doing this year

Inspection II is around £850 I think mate, £400 cheaper than my local main stealer! :banghead: :bigcry: :smokin:

SpineOnABap 11-04-2010 07:32 AM

I went to Murketts in 2004 to have my APs fitted & they were brilliant. Nice to see they're still doing the bizz :thumbs:

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