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-   -   2013 Euro trip inc Munich & Ring. (http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8233)

shimmy 23-03-2012 08:48 AM

30 CSLs so far and its only March 2012. I reckon this could be a 50 CSL+ event

UK (excluding Sweaty Socks)
1. Shimmy
2. MattCSLnut
3. Ando
4. SMac
5. Trawler
6. Bounce
7. Craigmillwardcroft
8. Billyboym3
9. Sailorbaz
11. Yanto
12. ONeill
13. rstoughy
14. DaznoblackCSL
15. Karbonkid
16. Chris-CSL
17. funkster
1. CSLSuperfan
2. AlexGTT
1. Mark Csl / SB CSL
2. need4speed / SB CSL
3. Gaz345 / SG CSL
1. MKoop
2. Barry C
3. LeinsCSL
1. Roland
1. Alexk
2. Alx
3. GTAStradale
Australia and NZ

Non CSL M cars following at some distance:119:
1. NorthernJim
2. Jaw_F430

EVLXGE 23-03-2012 08:56 AM

Brilliant work chaps, this is shaping up to be a cracking trip. Thanks for the efforts so far. :beer:

Im sure this goes for anyone but if we can help in any way with the organising just ask. Not sure how much use ill be but every little helps :-D

Roland 23-03-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by shimmy (Post 109960)
Wow, is that Munich Roland
Don't tell these feckers too much or they'll get all their mates buying a CSl and prices will go thru the roof ........hold on a minute :)

Yes that's Munich. From now on no more news. :whistle:


Originally Posted by Trawler (Post 109962)
See that pic reminds me of the Schnitzer display in Freilassing. Roland do you know if they still do work for BMW?

Yes they do.

GTAStradale 23-03-2012 06:06 PM

We need to connect with Germans somehow...its a BMW gathering in Germany and there is only one CSL member here!!!! Let me try to connect with one (any only) german CSL guy I know...

Roland 23-03-2012 06:39 PM

What's going on with Levente and MQP ? :whistle:

KamalRostov 23-03-2012 07:23 PM

Wishing I could join you guys for this road trip :(

But then again October is a long ways off...

Note to self: Pile up on those air miles Kamal!

Trawler 23-03-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by GTAStradale (Post 110009)
We need to connect with Germans somehow...its a BMW gathering in Germany and there is only one CSL member here!!!! Let me try to connect with one (any only) german CSL guy I know...

What happened to Leo's m3csl? That was an active German forum (www.m3csl.de)

GTAStradale 24-03-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Trawler (Post 110025)
What happened to Leo's m3csl? That was an active German forum (www.m3csl.de)

Not sure to be honest. I have contacted them once a while ago to become a member, but got told off since I wrote an email in english !

Trawler 24-03-2012 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by GTAStradale (Post 110030)
Not sure to be honest. I have contacted them once a while ago to become a member, but got told off since I wrote an email in english !

The web page is still active, but the forum seems to be closed down. By the way i got kicked out a few years ago because I did not participate enough. Good job this lot are not so stuffy.

shimmy 24-03-2012 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by gtastradale (Post 110030)
not sure to be honest. I have contacted them once a while ago to become a member, but got told off since i wrote an email in english !


Originally Posted by trawler (Post 110041)
the web page is still active, but the forum seems to be closed down. By the way i got kicked out a few years ago because i did not participate enough. Good job this lot are not so stuffy.

ban them :-d

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