View Full Version : Our local Police force

09-01-2013, 11:43 AM
Struggling to understand what exactly they do :smt009


09-01-2013, 02:07 PM
Grampian C%ntstabulary at it's best!

09-01-2013, 03:55 PM
I see the plastic key doesn't limit RPM on an RS4 then!

Seriously though, you lot seem to have gone to a mad level of political correctness over there. Just a pity they didn't wrap themselves around a tree. And if the Scottish cops want to tell me off in person for saying that, they can pay for the ferry!

09-01-2013, 07:30 PM
Thats a shocking story.

09-01-2013, 08:42 PM
Very sad, but are we surprised as the lunatics are taking over the asylum every where we look. :bigcry:

09-01-2013, 08:56 PM
They will probably get car handling courses in prison so they are less dangerous the next time they steal one!!

09-01-2013, 08:57 PM
Thats really sickening :(

Neil M
09-01-2013, 09:02 PM
Yet another example of Political Correctness gone mad, where will it end :banghead:

09-01-2013, 09:06 PM
Personally, I'd lock them in a burning vehicle, the scumbags (that's the car thieves, not the Old Bill). It wouldn't happen of the punishment was death!

09-01-2013, 09:08 PM
That is about the norm the victim gets threatened by the cops and the crook get bugger all :whistle: I wanted the crooks address when they nicked my car to sort them out and all they could say was I would be nicked

10-01-2013, 12:13 AM
The world has gone mad. Who gives a toss about the thieving scum. I really can't bear how political correctness has been distorted.

10-01-2013, 09:57 AM
Disgusting behaviour by the police. At the end of the day if the scumbags wrap themselves and the car around a lampost and incurred 'life changing injuries' it would be a just punishment.

There is a very long thread on PH about a group of scumbags that constantly steal other people's cars in Aberdeen and then post it all over Farcebook.


10-01-2013, 10:30 AM
There is a very long thread on PH about a group of scumbags that constantly steal other people's cars in Aberdeen and then post it all over Farcebook.


Thats the one, same group that are doing this :mad:
Not alot anyone can do unless they want slapped with a crim record (which I would happily accept if I caught any of them near one of my cars although being the shy withdrawn skinny runt that I am they might scare me :whistle:) The police no chase policy sucks, fair enough during the day or early evening when folk are about but surely this could be stopped at something like 21:00 to allow them to actually at least try and catch them.
