View Full Version : Buying a CSL

27-08-2012, 01:06 PM
Hello everybody!

I want to buy a CSL, and now I have the oportunity to buy it. Is a LHD car, what I need because I life in Spain.
The unique question is that the car is around 100 k miles. Do you think that there are to many?


Barry C
27-08-2012, 04:23 PM
It depends..

was it serviced correctly?

Is it priced accordingly?

I would have no problem if it was cheap and well serviced

27-08-2012, 05:09 PM
Hello everybody!

I want to buy a CSL, and now I have the oportunity to buy it. Is a LHD car, what I need because I life in Spain.
The unique question is that the car is around 100 k miles. Do you think that there are to many?


"....because I life in Spain" :hahaha: xdddd . 100k miles that seems to much. i wouldnt buy that, no chance