View Full Version : Standard M3 SMG to Manual?

10-08-2012, 09:33 AM
I've heard that changing a CSL to a manual is a complete nightmare with the software - but I'm assuming that is because the CSL never came as a manual.

So...is it easier / possible to convert a standard M3 SMG to a manual, by simply changing the ECU to a manual version. (Or is it just not that simple)

Does anyone know anybody who has successfully done this? The plan is to build a standard E46 M3 for VLN group N. Prefer a manual for simplicity and reliability, but if we manage to find the perfect stolen recovered / CAT D that is an SMG - we would need to be able to convert to a manual.

I'm sure the Primate will be along soon................:notworthy:

10-08-2012, 11:28 AM
Best bet is to convert to standalone management, ie motec. Speak to Nathan @ race data./ He is a motec guy now

The Gorilla
10-08-2012, 01:51 PM

I know of a couple of Guys who
did this, and it was not easy.

The SMG Car ''Car Harness/Loom'' is different''
just to add to the fun.

Its far from simple plug and play.

Its all down to Budget / Costs at the end
of the day.


The Gorilla.

10-08-2012, 03:03 PM
Yeah - I thought so Gorilla, thanks for confirming it though.

Lawsy - I have spoken with Nathan at length earlier this week, our issue is that we have to adhere to group N regs, so no aftermarket systems allowed.

Looks like I'm only after a manual from the start then.

10-08-2012, 03:13 PM
Just a thought:

I've got to remove the interior anyway as it will be a race car, so it isn't that bad to change the whole wiring loom (we'll have to remove the dash anyway for the cage).

So....assuming I have the ECU from a manual and have fitted the manual box and clutch etc etc - is there anymore to it than that? I have found an SMG race car for sale - if the exchange can be done for £ x, and the seller is prepared to discount the sale price for £ x - then there is possibly a deal to be done?

Gorilla - can the guys that you know indicate a rough cost, timescale and requirements to successfully carry out the conversion?

Cheers in advance.

The Gorilla
10-08-2012, 11:58 PM

You will need a ''Manual Car Loom/Harness''
and a ''Manual Car Engine loom''.

Nathan can assist you more but E46
shares info via the Loom Data Links,
so mixing the two looms /Harnesses
is a nightmare.

There are other little bits and pieces
along the way.

Budget aside, VLN Group N, you would
be better off IMO purchasing a 'Manual Car'
or M3 Shell bare / Rolling shell, and go from there.

Your looking to purchase a SMG Car and then
changing Gearbox, Car Loom, engine loom, then
refit and make it all work, before a tube is
welded in.

If your running Grp N, then try and purchase a
pre FEB 2001 build date Manual M3 with original
The block castings are better on the pre
Rod Bearing issue Cars, and they also have
the Larger rod bolts as std.
The Cranks in the pre Feb 2001 engines are
for whatever reason IMO better.
Even with high miles, they are always a
lot better on Journal tolerances.

Its almost like in Feb 2001, BMW MS Vacated,
and the BMW Bean Counters took over
S54 production.

In Grp N you want all the ''legal'' gains
you can muster.

I think your decision to go Manual box is
the right way to go, SMG II is way to
flakey for competition use.
Group N clutch not much use on SMG


The Gorilla.

shawn 968cs
04-04-2014, 03:32 PM

Friend told me about this
Thought it may be of interest to some

10-04-2014, 04:36 PM
The software is actually quite easy to do. The DME is the hardest part (if you want to keep the CSL software), and that want hard at all. Took me less than an hour to find all the differences; I can post offsets and changes if there's an interest. The non-DME items would have the same changes as a normal m3

You don't need a manual loom

10-04-2014, 06:41 PM
I done this on a few cars years ago, total ball ache and swore never again