View Full Version : Hocheichen Nordschliefe - suspension

10-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Just a quick question for other regulars at the Nordschleife. In short every time I finish the double rights at Hatzenbach and go for the left downhill at Hocheichen towards Quiddelbacher-Hohe my suspension seems to bottom out. In other words it appears that the spring is compressed to its full and I hear a sort of bang.

I run OEM suspension and just wondered if it is kaput or completely normal for the stress put on it at this point.


conleth m3
10-07-2012, 02:00 PM
if im thinking of the right piece of track i always thought that was a bump or ridge in the track surface. always get a bump there, same as the double bump on the left hander at breidscheid before going up to ex-muhle. sounds abit like going over an expansion joint on a bridge?

have experienced that in all cars - on std m3 suspension, AST's and intrax.

10-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Actually you may well be right. Every time I go over that bit I think that I should come back and have a look to see if it is a bump or the suspension making the noise. I keep meaning to do one of those track walks.

If it has been every car of yours Conleth then that alleviates my worries somewhat.


10-07-2012, 04:37 PM
Its definitely a bump on the track Pip :beer: I sometimes go a little wide at Hocheichen just to miss it..:whistle:

The one at Breidscheid is a little better now that they have resurfaced it:beer:

10-07-2012, 05:03 PM
Ditto, if it's the downhill left-hander. I run OEM suspension and it sounds terrible if you hit the bump square on.

11-07-2012, 12:27 AM
I thought it was just particularly steeper on the left hand part of that corner and messes things up a bit.
Tried to go down that on a mountain bike in the pissing rain last year.

Steep as Fook
Slippy as Fook