View Full Version : 1M vs KW DDC

16-05-2012, 03:29 PM
The 1M spent the week with KW UK for the first set of DDC coilovers to be fitted in the country & the first set on a 1M, Marcus from KW Germany did the trip over to fit/set up.

I also opted for the w-lan unit that allows my ipod touch to make front and rear axle adjustments additional to the 3 pre set settings (comfort. sport & sport+).

Height wise, 10mm front and 5mm rear for starters as my garage entrance is a bitch of an angle but now requires me to make some entry adjustments like drive past, back into the visitors parking bay and then attack the entrance from the lowest angle point, thank bloody god it's not a daily commuter so it is not a problem lol

Anyways, the 3 pre set settings create a massive difference to the way the 1M drives, the oem chassie set up was a bit on the firm side but not a problem, a bit crashy on the worst of roads and you knew about most imperfections before you could see them but still the 1M was a great handling car at the best of times (a little bouncy at speed down country lanes), comfort setting is a take of of KW's comfort coilover range and it does exactly as intended, it is spot on for cruising and navigating crap London roads, it soaks up the worst you can experience and makes for a pleasant ride when you are not looking for trouble, it is perfect really. Sport is a take of a V3 set up, very similar in ways to the standard set up, quit firm but very direct with little lateral role, good for a nice fast blast and long sweeping bends, you can really feel the difference in ride quality when switching from comfort to sport, turn in is nice and tight, feels good. Sports+ really does get the pecs bouncing and even the slightest road imperfections are known about, motorways and all, the sport+ is the equivalent to the clubsport range so it is really intended for those track blasts, i think on the ring you may be switching through the complete 3 settings depending on track location lol

As yet I have not had a chance to mess about with my own settings, the app allows you to save 5 on top of the 3 provided.

Quality bit of kit and has transformed my 1M even more so.

The brain












and from the weekend prior


Now I need to head back over :)

16-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Must be an expensive bit of kit :thumbs:

Barry C
17-05-2012, 04:37 PM

is it much heavier than stock with the computer etc?

how much $$?:whistle:

17-05-2012, 08:21 PM
It looks some setup indeed!

The car looks awesome though!

Barry C
18-05-2012, 12:41 AM
Is the roof painted black?

They should have fitted a carbon roof!

18-05-2012, 10:00 AM
Is the roof painted black?

They should have fitted a carbon roof!

And a S65:drool: