View Full Version : gear changing tips

18-11-2008, 04:32 PM
Hi all
Starting to get used to the car now but cant seem to get a good gear change, always changes then i get a clunk from the rear then it changes, sometimes it changes ok, just wondering how everyone changes gear on here to get a smooth change?



18-11-2008, 05:28 PM
Keep your foot on the gas at all times, if you dont in time it can cause the clutch to slurr apparently.

I use S3 for everyday driving, S5 for spirited driving when i remember :whistle:

S6 is faster again but you need traction completely off and it does wear the box faster.

Hope that helps :)

18-11-2008, 05:30 PM
I lift off slighty just as i'm pulling the paddle, it gives a much smoother change and it's easy to master.

18-11-2008, 06:27 PM
What number do you have the 'box set to? I have mine in S5 every day and it does clunk, but I think that's just the combination of so much power and such an aggressive change speed.

As Bealo says, for smooth changes, lift slightly and use something like S3. Remember, it's still a manual gearbox with a clutch, so in the higher number modes, it's almost like side-stepping the clutch after a gear change.

18-11-2008, 06:31 PM
I use S3 and lift slightly. I don't worry about the slur because i give the car a good caning at least once a week too.

18-11-2008, 09:22 PM
Yup clucking is normal... When i first heard it i thought i had broke the damn thing :hahaha:

My "loudest" change i would say is 1-2, 2-3 is no noise at all though, 3+ is only slight noise.

I use S4 or S5 most days, use A4 when i cant be arsed!

18-11-2008, 09:32 PM
I used to use S3/S4 for everyday driving, although recently brought this down to S2 and found it a lot better and smoother for driving in town, and in traffic.

18-11-2008, 09:59 PM
Cheers guys :smokin:
Glad to hear the clunk is normal, was getting worried about that too lol
i have it set to s5 all the time at the moment, 2-3 seems to be the loudest,
Il reduse it to s3/4 i think, see how it goes,



19-11-2008, 12:12 AM
I normally just floor it and change without lifting off and accept the clunks and kick back as being part of the fun! I do change it to S2 for motorway driving however as i find it more relaxing. :-D

19-11-2008, 10:57 AM
That's intresting. I've always had mine in S5, and on the very rare occasion I stick it in auto, I have it A3.

Never thought it would make much difference in the manual mode, I will give that a go.

19-11-2008, 11:03 AM
The faster you change, the faster the wear on the gearbox - simple!

I would also avoid the faster changes until the gearbox oil is upto temperature ;)

19-11-2008, 01:11 PM
thanks guys, will definately lower the speed when i drive out today, may even try the keeping foot to the floor

19-11-2008, 03:48 PM
changes are nice at 8000rpm :thumbs:

19-11-2008, 06:19 PM
Been running around today in S3. Hmmm, nice and smooth.

Boring though!! :hahaha:

19-11-2008, 06:50 PM
does seem to work, i was in the same on, S3, did seem smooth, when i pushed it though i went to 5.
That keeping your foot to the floor during changes seemed to work better.
keep on hearing mixed stories about whats the worst for the engine, keeping your foot planted, or lifting off during

19-11-2008, 08:52 PM
keep on hearing mixed stories about whats the worst for the engine, keeping your foot planted, or lifting off during

Makes absolutely no difference. Who's been making stuff up this time? :bigcry:

19-11-2008, 09:14 PM
keep on hearing mixed stories about whats the worst for the engine, keeping your foot planted, or lifting off during

Makes absolutely no difference. Who's been making stuff up this time? :bigcry:

The book says you don't need to lift, and if you do lift, it won't make any difference.

In my M3, if I didn't left, it was a very jerky gear change, whereas the CSL is much smoother.

19-11-2008, 09:28 PM
I never lift, however hard i am accelerating or in what 'S' mode the shift speed is set at. The car never misses a beat or slurs. :-D

19-11-2008, 11:07 PM
Don't lift - period. If you do it'll eventually cause the clutch to slur.

I generally drive around in S4 ... do realise that the slower the gearchange mode the more it'll ride the clutch relatively speaking to a faster gearchange mode. So it's a catch 22 situation really - faster changes less wear on the clutch but more wear on the synchrons ... slower change more wear on the clutch less wear on teh synchrons ...