View Full Version : 2 Pairs or Rogue RSMs

02-04-2012, 11:08 AM
I have for sale two sets of Rogue Engineering Rear Shock Mounts, these will fit E30, E36, E46, M3, Z3 and Z4 cars.

http://www.rogueengineering.com/rogue/S_BUSH/RSM.html (http://www.rogueengineering.com/rogue/S_BUSH/RSM.html)

Set 1 (Pics Attached):

These are used, in good condition (see pic), unfortunately they are not a full kit, as the reinforcement cage / lock nuts / gaskets (OEM BMW) are missing, these can be bought from RE for approx $30, tho you could easily use bolts / locking nuts to fit, the rest of the kit is present and in good condition. £55 delivered

Set 2:

Again these are used, but in perfect condition, been on my own car for 100 miles, bought from CA Automotive last week for £100, however they are not compatible with my Nitrons http://static.forums.m3cutters.co.uk/images/smilies/frown.gif, so up for grabs at - NOW SOLD

12-04-2012, 11:00 PM
2nd set now sold.