View Full Version : Just got home from collecting the CSL

15-11-2008, 07:31 PM
Just got back from Nick Johnsons from collecting my CSL, still grinning now.
Everything about the car is perfect, down the motorway its fine, nice cruiser, press sports mode and your off, the noise is so addictive, felt like a child again lol, the gearbox is brilliant, coming from a manual this dosent seem to take long to get the hang of. also very impressed with the Xenons, they seem to be Bo xenon so awsomely bright, so bright people keep flashing there lights at me lol
all in all, very very impressed with the car and looking forward to getting to know it better :beer:


15-11-2008, 07:38 PM
Congrats James.......we all felt your sentiment...It's great isn't it. Enjoy :thumbs: .

15-11-2008, 08:03 PM
Like Andyk says, we all felt your sentiment!

The day i collected mine i had to endure the M25 on a Friday afternoon for the journey home... :banghead: Even although i was in stop-start traffic i couldn't help but push the accelerator pedal into the floor just to hear that noise before braking hard! The 'normal' commuters must have thought i was a right tool! :whistle:

Enjoy the car mate & welcome to the fold :beer:

15-11-2008, 08:10 PM
thanks guys :-D
Your right there glendog, when i was in traffic i accelerated to get the noise lol, it gets better as the revs get higher too, awsome.
Just wondering though, is there a way to lower the low beam lights?
cause every other car flashes at me, i do give them a dose of main beam back though.


15-11-2008, 08:51 PM
Just wondering though, is there a way to lower the low beam lights?
cause every other car flashes at me, i do give them a dose of main beam back though.

I get the odd flash at times - only to take some enjoyment from showing then the main beams! :-D

Xenon equipped cars lack the in-car adjustment feature. You can manually adjust them by turning the knurled knob at the top of the lamp unit. I did this when on the continent the first time and found it best to do it closely facing a wall so you can judge where the beam falls whilst counting the turns - not the most accurate way though...! Ultimately you will need to get them adjusted at a BMW dealer if you want them set up correctly. They checked mine during the Insp II :whistle:

Mark CSL
15-11-2008, 09:22 PM
The car has self leveling lights but if too high do what glendog said under the hood :thumbs:

15-11-2008, 09:55 PM
Thanks guys :)
Think il carry on giving them full beam if they flash instead :-D
looking forward to going out in it tomorrow now.
and stare at the carbon :-D

15-11-2008, 10:35 PM
Enjoy it mate. I still can't get enough of mine!!! :thumbs:

16-11-2008, 03:26 PM
Glad to hear your loving your new car. enjoy, it just get better....