View Full Version : U TURN ON ROAD TAX

Mark CSL
13-11-2008, 10:19 PM
A U-turn on next year's VED proposals looks likely

A vote-sweetening Government U-turn on vehicle excise duty looks likely. Changes introduced in the last Budget had meant Post 2001 cars would have faced massive tax hikes this year – £245 or more for ordinary family saloons – penalising over 26 million motorists.

Now, however, it’s believed Chancellor Alistair Darling will not impose the retrospective element of the tax on cars purchased between 2001 and 2006 for at least another year, although cars purchased since that time will continue to be targeted. This had meant that bread-and-butter family saloons, for example a Mondeo registered in 2002, would have attracted double its current VED in 2010, slashing its secondhand value and making it almost impossible to sell.

At the time rebel MPs voiced their disquiet over the proposed new levies and the U-turn is seen as a move to deflate further damaging in-party rebellions and ride the crest of the feelgood wave emerging since bank interest rates dropped.

It is expected that these changes will be made clearer in the Chancellor Darling’s Pre-Budget Report, expected next week


14-11-2008, 07:24 AM
Yep did see this Mark. Good news to be put off for a year but not good enough don't you think.

I understand that Tax will go up but by the amount they are saying for people who have already purchased a car is not on. If they want to target cars then it should be any new car that is purchsed from the date the new tax comes. People have spent their hard earned money on their used dream cars weather a Mondeo or Porsche and the Government and going to make them almost impossible to sell on. The repercussions are huge....cars worth less than the loans on them etc. Do they not think before opening their mouths what it means to the people on the street :moan: over...

Mark CSL
14-11-2008, 08:34 AM
Good Point Andy
But we all know they are just in it for the money and power
They dont want to help the man on the street :banghead:

14-11-2008, 09:42 AM
You guys are so lucky!!!! If I registered my CSL in Italy, it would cost me nearly 1000GBP!!!!!!

The VED in italy is calculated by multiplying the KW/BHP by a value depending on what band of car it is ie euro4 etc....

For this reason I registered my car in france were there is no VED! (perfectly legal as I live betweenitaly and france!)

14-11-2008, 04:30 PM
1000GBP :119: :119: :119: Is that a year.

15-11-2008, 01:26 PM
Jesus ! :119: Thats mental , 1000GBP .... but then I suppose you have the benefit of living in italy :drool: