View Full Version : geometry

16-02-2012, 09:42 PM
Been thinking, with adjustable top mounts at say -2deg camber for road then adjusting to -3 for track you need to have roughly 5mins per side toe in on road to have roughly 5 mins toe out on track.

Car is not a daily so thinking of going with -2.5 camber 0 toe as toe effects tyre wear most, and more caster for more dynamic camber change.

Whenever I've had the geo reset after self adjusting with top mounts the front settings are all over the place, the rears are as before.

Whats your experiences/advice.

17-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Been thinking, with adjustable top mounts at say -2deg camber for road then adjusting to -3 for track you need to have roughly 5mins per side toe in on road to have roughly 5 mins toe out on track.

Car is not a daily so thinking of going with -2.5 camber 0 toe as toe effects tyre wear most, and more caster for more dynamic camber change.

Whenever I've had the geo reset after self adjusting with top mounts the front settings are all over the place, the rears are as before.

Whats your experiences/advice.

Barry, I generally don't mess about too much with the castor and leave as set by Simpson's.

Like you, I often change between -3 and -2 degrees with the same toe settings as you indicated. Have to say, even with multiple camber changes all main front settings are spot on when checked. Very strange that your getting geo all over the place. Had mine checked in November and the base setting was identical to that put on the car in Spring last year.

Speak to Shim but I'm sure he has same experience.

17-02-2012, 06:28 PM
Had the geo reset today, went with what I said above with more castor 7 deg 30 min.

Front was out again, should have been -2 camber, +5mins toe 7 deg castor either side. The rear was as before

FL -1deg 41min camber, -2mins toe, 7 deg castor

FR -2deg 21min camber, +5mins toe, 6 deg 51 min

By having 0 toe on front I'm hoping to lessen front tyre wear.

17-02-2012, 07:47 PM
i have a feeling this is due to your top mount adjustment changing the geo permanently.

mine used to do that if i wasnt careful but was solved by altering camber on the main bolts

17-02-2012, 07:57 PM
I'll go to Simpsons next time, ask Ant to show me how to:banghead:

The Gorilla
17-02-2012, 08:06 PM


''By having 0 toe on front I'm hoping to lessen front tyre wear.''

This should be OK for road use,
but I do not think it will be much
use on Track, if your going to

Might keep your inner edges for a few more
miles but E46 turns in so much better with
as much front O/A Track and toe as you can run.


The Gorilla.

17-02-2012, 08:47 PM


''By having 0 toe on front I'm hoping to lessen front tyre wear.''

This should be OK for road use,
but I do not think it will be much
use on Track, if your going to

Might keep your inner edges for a few more
miles but E46 turns in so much better with
as much front O/A Track and toe as you can run.


The Gorilla.

To be honest the car previously has felt fine, but the front inside tyre wear compared to others (AlexGTT, Shimmy) is more, probably down to what Shimmy said above.

I have the settings on now so I'll have to see how it feels, if I don't try different things for myself I won't know what suits me, part the fun of track days/learning:thumbs:

17-02-2012, 09:37 PM
Then again if I don't like, I could add a bit more camber which will result in toe out :smokin:

The Gorilla
17-02-2012, 10:43 PM

More 'toe out' will assist with Tyre slip.

Adding more camber will help with this
a little, and some toe will be gained, as
well as assisting in increasing the Camber thrust.

As you say the learning curve is interesting,
but for Track work I still think you will
be adding more toe out, at some point,
for E46 Track use.


The Gorilla.

17-02-2012, 11:03 PM

More 'toe out' will assist with Tyre slip.

Adding more camber will help with this
a little, and some toe will be gained, as
well as assisting in increasing the Camber thrust.

As you say the learning curve is interesting,
but for Track work I still think you will
be adding more toe out, at some point,
for E46 Track use.


The Gorilla.

:thumbs:This is why a square set up is beneficial, the ability to rotate tyres for longevity with more front toe out.

This is next :smokin: