View Full Version : Gsxr 600 k5

10-10-2011, 08:09 PM
Long shot but here goes anyway.

In my pursuit for another classic Ford I have decided (been ordered to) sell my bike.
Its a K5 (2005) model

12000 dry miles
Mot'd until March 2012 & Tax'd until end of this month
Full history
R&G crash bobbins and fork protectors
Double bubble screen
Stubby leavers
Yoshi end can
Billet exhaust hanger
Tail Tidy
Smaller indicators
Gold O'ring chain
Various security systems

Bike has a full toolkit and emergency tyre repair kit under the seat.
New Battery a few months ago
New Voltage regulator last year
Recent tyres tail end of last year

I have all the standard parts for this bike so can be returned to "factory" spec if required.

Since owning this bike for the last 2 1/2 years I remove the farings at least once a year to give everything hidden by them a good scrub.
Im looking for £3800 for it or a PX with a MK2 Escort. If im honest id rather sell it as there is a car id like and have been in discussions about but will listen to what anyone has to offer.
Any questions just ask.




