View Full Version : Fault Code Readers

06-09-2011, 10:09 AM
Been thinking I could do with a fault code reader of some description.

I used to have one of those Peake readers which was alright at small tasks, but I sold it a few years back.

What has everyone got? I'd like something I can ideally plug into the ODBC port via my laptop.

Any recommendations?

I think I tried the INPA? software a few years ago, couldnt figure it out :clown:

Anyway, enough rambling, what have you all got?

09-09-2011, 04:37 AM
I use Evolve Automotive's evolve-R cable and software to read codes on my E46 M3. Awhile back, I purchased a tune from them and they used the evolve-R cable to remotely tune my car. They just recently offered the ability to read/clear codes as well.